Rochelle’s phot prompt this week is of a derelict old factory building, empty for years..or is it ?

photo courtesy of J Hardy Carroll

Here’s my 100 word story:

  Behind Closed Doors

” Bea, aren’t we lucky to get this hidden venue ? We can work up our new show in secret, then launch it in the town. They won’t know what’s hit them !”

” Yes, Betty – our burlesque show. What are you best at ?  Fan dancing, tap, banjo, belly dancing, singing, comic scenes from Macbeth..?”

” I’ll play the handsome hero and saw you in half.”

” So what shall we call our show, to get the audience in ?”

” The Divas of Delight…”

” Beyond Belief…”

” Funny Girls…”

” Bea and Betty’s Burlesque ?”