Kat’s prompt photo this week is of a pile of books – the challenge to create a tale from one or more of these titles. https://katmyrman.com/2017/12/04/twittering-tales-61-5-december-2017/
Doctor in Rags +A heart Strangely Warmed + North ! Eat or Be Eaten. Three titles caught my imagination, so here goes…


Photo by MorningbirdPhoto at Pixabay.com


Panning for Gold

I was a doctor in town  gained debts  soon in rags so came here to pan for gold.

Full of hope ok in summer a heart strangely warmed by the sun in the sky

But winter here awful found nothing just a glint in a stream  – no gold no food a doctor in rags.

Bears in the wood hungry like me   its no good –  gotta go North or be eaten