Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers’ challenge is to write a 100 word story inspired by this enticing photo, courtesy of Bjorn Rudberg. What does the sign signify, where does the mountain track lead ?
Here is my explanation…

PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg

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We hold Mountain Goat races here, it’s the perfect venue. Punters come for miles. Why you ask ? It’s has an outstanding spec – the narrowest track, the longest drop you can imagine, truly jagged rocks at the bed of the ravine. There’s a waterfall half way round,  good slippage under hoof, a thorn bush section

The goat owners ? Crazy men, big bets. Its an elite event highly secret, only open to aficionados. True goat handlers who like the supreme challenge. Hikers not welcome.

My money’s on Twinkletoes the Third and Billy the Kid.

The prize ?  Voucher for a Mindfulness course.