PHOTO PROMPT © Yarnspinnerr

This week’s photo prompt is from Yarnspinner, for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers 100 word story challenge. A photo with so many possibilities.

Here’s my story.

The Old Apartment

I find an old apartment in Jaipur, need the space to write, away from the busyness of the city. First day here, sip chai by the open window. Street sounds float up, distant chatter and clang of cooking pots from other apartments, fragrance of dal drifts under my door. It’s twilight.

I sense a presence, shadowy figures, who are they, drifting across the room. I hear faint whispers…the cupboard ? I find a yellowed notebook, its brittle pages full of stories, of people who used to live here. I am enthralled, invited in to share our histories.






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