The Friday Fictioneers’ challenge from Rochelle, this week, is prompted by the photo of a remote location, with a big sky. The  challenge is write a 100 word story Here’s mine.

photo courtesy of Douglas M. Macilroy                                  

The Whirligig

‘The voice told me to drive here, stand with my back to the faraway hills. Does it know that I feel trapped, insulted, furious ? I’m supposed to make all the decisions, manage the diary for the whole family, huh ?  Defer to every-one else’s needs. I’m going out of my mind.

In my dreams, I fly through rainbows, sing and dance, feel touched by peace and freedom.

Here, I’m pulled towards the whirligig, to the core of its vortex, as it starts to spin. I’m sucked up into it, faster and faster’…..then silence.

‘Whose car is this ? Been parked here since yesterday.’