Bjorn’s dVerse challenge  is to write 144 words exactly, to be built around one line from Robert Frost’s poem : ‘Acquainted with the Night’. Here is my response.

‘When far  far away an interrupted cry ‘

My rage and passion consume my soul, writ large against the tumultuous moorland sky,  clouds rushing dark with purple anguish. I am abandoned in this place of savage beauty or of remorseless purgatory. Am I the pursuer or the pursued ? Do nameless spirits seek my soul ? Where is she, who is the other half of my heart. I call out to her, my voice borne away by the taunting wind.

I see a figure silhouetted against the Eastern crags, I must go to her. I stumble over the wet boulders, over the matted gorse, breath rasping in my haste to find her. Now the figure has gone, it’s only a shard of rock. I hear when far away an interrupted cry. My beloved ? Maybe a moorland Harpy stealing her voice, thus damning us both to eternal separation.