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Friday Fictioneers 3/8/18 END OF THE GARDEN

photo courtesy of  Sandra Crook                        

Rochelle’s challenge this week has the look of a long neglected space. Can you write a 100 word story inspired by this prompt ? Here’s my story.


The place at the end of the garden where I never ever go. My twenty year old self, she hatched projects, planned schemes: low tech ideas to change the world, of course.

Now older, I feel a spasm of regret, what happened ? How did I let her hope slip away unnoticed, leaving this reminder at the end of my garden ? Which I have avoided until now.

I will go to the place at the end of the garden, witness this place of possibilities. desiccated dreams, cinnamon brown, curled leaves, where ghosts of ideas rustle, and say ‘she is part of me’.

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