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Friday Fictioneers 8.11.19 HOUSE HUNTING

photo courtesy of Ronda Del Boccio

Rochelle’s Fictioneers challenge this week is prompted by this homely kitchen image, here’s where my imagination took me….


‘Here we are Georgie, Railway Terrace.’

‘First impressions Ma ?’

‘Bay windows  let the sunshine in, roses around the porch, near the railway station. Good price for a Victorian property, why so low ?’

As they view the upstairs front room, Ma is overcome with a sudden fear.

She shouts at Georgie  ‘ Get out of here now !’ Beads of sweat run down her face. Georgie’s heart lurches as they take the stairs two at a time.

In the garden, the estate agent approaches, visibly shaken.

‘ In 1889, Mrs Choke fell out of the window to her death,  pushed by her husband. He went to the station, waited for the next train, jumped to his death.’






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