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Friday Fictioneers Dec 17th 2021 Sweet Molly McGuire

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Thanks to dear Rochelle for hosting Friday Fictioneers, and for the photo this week. Seasons greetings to the Fictioneers.

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We have harvest, health, abundance , and the disappearance of  sweet Molly McGuire. Her absence catches me unawares when we gather around the kitchen table and she’ not there. She’ll be back soon.?  A mystery why Molly disappeared one evening, fetching a flagon of cider from the cellar. Seth went to fetch her, but she’d vanished from the cellar, like a candle in mid-winter, suddenly snuffed.You can imagine what stories the villagers came up with – the Green Man had lured her away with his pagan pipe music, or that she’d eloped with the blacksmith. So we toast the memory of sweet Molly McGuire. 


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