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Friday Fictioneers Feb 27th 2018 My Home Town

Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers’ challenge this week is around the theme of boxing, as you can see from the photo prompt. Here is my 100 word story.

photo courtesy of J Hardy Carroll

My Home Town

My dad was a big man, wanted me to be a big man too, boxer like him. I remember being at the ringside watching his moves, his bravery, his power And the raw energy in the hall.

I’m big like him, cos I trained all through my growing up. He was my hero – died suddenly, brain injury they said. I left, studied, became an engineer. Just visiting my home town now, my old gym, feels its tug on me. Hear his voice ‘Be a boxer, be proud, honour your dad.’ Tell myself ‘be brave, make a tough decision’…….

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